2003-03-10. I hate my car
My car has taught me two things in the last 48 hours:

Lesson from Saturday:

When life hands you lemons - stand out on the corner of Highland and Sunset and scream and cry into your cell phone so that everone driving by knows how much your brakes just cost to get fixed. Plus all the crazed stuttering homeless people know you have the street cred to be on their sidewalk.


When you want to get out of paying high costs in parking garage fees, simply have your car towed out by AAA after it decides to not stay running. I guarantee it will confuse the minimum wage hindu man in the 2x2 booth and get you off scot free after being stuck there for 9 hours!


Cost to get your brakes completely overhauled due to previous shoddy mechanics:


Cost to fix the master cylinder:


Having you car go for less than 20 hours before something else shitty comes up:



| the distance i've gone | where it stands | make a claim | just me | i recommend | typealice | host | || | take me back | get me out of here |