2007-04-30 - you prick my irisis jagged
2006-06-16 - You
2006-06-08 - fracture
2006-05-11 - Humanity and Immortality
2006-03-15 - No actually, I never did picture my wedding when I was a kid...
2006-03-08 - sometimes I get a lil pukey... and sometimes I feel like a first class louse
2006-01-30 - nonsense
2005-11-14 - Cocoon
2005-11-12 - Pardon me - I am having a teenage angst moment
2005-11-03 - String on a finger
2005-10-07 - always
2005-09-12 - lbalhsjkrhqw
2005-09-06 - ...hollow...empty...
2005-08-01 - bound and gagged
2005-07-25 - I am sad tonight. I don't know why really...
2005-07-21 - wipe the gross off me please?
2005-07-18 - Sometimes, Only Sometimes
2005-07-03 - It's not my place to
2005-07-01 - Twas a good date night indeed
2005-06-29 - I almost... almost...
2005-06-26 - When?
2005-06-14 - Expect Greatness
2005-06-12 - Crazy in "adore"
2005-06-10 - Will I ever shut up?
2005-06-08 - beautiful spirit find your way through the shadows
2005-06-05 - Someone broke my cookie jar
2005-01-29 - you deserve all that I can ever give
2005-01-04 - this weekend
2004-12-22 - Bobbing for sanity
2004-11-29 - Public Apology
2004-05-28 - Distant atoms
2004-05-16 - Some more recent shots of me
2004-05-07 - Stroke of Luck
2004-03-10 - WTF & Jesus
2004-03-01 - die.
2004-01-14 - Girl in a well
2003-12-22 - Birthday dance
2003-12-19 - TMI
2003-12-12 - I am a total fake
2003-12-08 - Elbow, meet Tooth
2003-12-01 - Tired of the race
2003-11-13 - Sicky
2003-10-29 - The Rabbit Girl at Work
2003-10-28 - Crumbling
2003-10-14 - my tattoo
2003-10-01 - My meow's
2003-09-17 - whine
2003-09-10 - -
2003-09-02 - What the fuck is wrong with people?!
2003-08-11 - Important Question
2003-08-06 - Crybaby
2003-08-01 - i want frivolous things
2003-07-18 - fun with searches
2003-07-11 - At long last...
2003-07-07 - Job Interview tomorrow
2003-07-03 - Naked Theatre
2003-06-23 - Here's a bad morning for ya...
2003-06-12 - God I love him.
2003-06-07 - I'm a Pr0n Star now...
2003-06-05 - Check out my neeeeeew car!!
2003-06-03 - Resume wonderful relationship... NOW!
2003-05-30 - spit out the pits...
2003-05-15 - The word *fear* appears more times in Macbeth than any other play by Shakespeare...
2003-05-05 - How to save the government from a politcal windfall
2003-04-30 - marsha, marsha marsha-mallow
2003-04-28 - I'm a traitor to this country...
2003-04-21 - Drowning in shit...
2003-04-17 - Wonders never cease
2003-04-10 - Rant
2003-04-07 - I don't have room in my life for smoglies
2003-04-07 - Why, sometimes, having friends sucks
2003-04-02 - rotiing inside
2003-03-31 - new word
2003-03-28 - Update #2 of today...
2003-03-28 - Holy crap I'm tired
2003-03-25 - My wacky weekend
2003-03-18 - Great way to start my day...
2003-03-17 - We're not in Kansas anymore...
2003-03-15 - a rose...
2003-03-10 - I hate my car
2003-03-05 - What's wrong with me all the damn time??
2003-03-04 - Fucked up Friend's
2003-02-28 - rant at no one in particular
2003-02-25 - Me go-go dancing Sunday night
2003-02-24 - Dancing and online voting
2003-02-21 - The Revengers casting
2003-02-20 - Mmmm, beeeeer
2003-02-19 - nasty emails from coworkers
2003-02-14 - insert witty title here
2003-02-03 - Space Station Tragedy
2003-01-30 - Dogs and Dreadlocks
2003-01-22 - Welcome to Los Angeles
2003-01-08 - the Steam Bullet has arrived!!
2002-12-26 - Selfish Me...
2002-12-20 - The ex-model who answers the phones
2002-12-02 - Thanksgiving with at the Mortician's
2002-11-26 - My brain hurts a lot
2002-11-25 - Stupid Seratonin...
2002-11-22 - Musings
2002-11-19 - Me... lookin hot
2002-11-11 - AntiUS - Leatherstrip
2002-11-09 - Feeling goofy
2002-11-07 - Boody piss
2002-11-01 - Hello-wienie
2002-10-29 - Home
2002-10-28 - My first visit to the El Capitan
2002-10-24 - Pop Quiz
2002-10-22 - Ravenous for good cinema!
2002-10-21 - I got the part!!!
2002-10-17 - moving along slowly but surely
2002-10-14 - Sifl and Ollie
2002-10-11 - The new band in LA
2002-10-09 - Bosio Snake Fight Sculpture
2002-10-08 - Deadlines
2002-10-03 - a message to Beer and Ikey
2002-10-01 - Jesus wants to hook up
2002-10-01 - Get that Dirty Vegas outta yo mouth!
2002-09-27 - In the closet
2002-09-26 - Best Friends
2002-09-20 - Old journals
2002-09-20 - The History of Anaheim
2002-09-18 - I need an intervention
2002-09-16 - The day I felt homeless...
2002-09-10 - My visit from the bad buisnessman
2002-09-04 - Labor-ious Day Weekend
2002-09-01 - 5 bucks shots...
2002-09-01 - Ch-ch-ch-Changes Bowie head
2002-08-30 - IM's make me happy...
2002-08-30 - Moving is a bitch
2002-08-29 - My epic night
2002-08-28 - news flash from the stars
2002-08-27 - Rock and Roll Confidential
2002-08-23 - Full Moon
2002-08-21 - What do ya say to the nice man?
2002-08-20 - -
2002-08-15 - Will we ever escape Scary??
2002-08-11 - Ms. Popularity
2002-08-08 - Like'n Life...
2002-08-07 - South Park Characters
2002-08-06 - unfit for human consumption
2002-08-01 - Three Things
2002-07-31 - Blushing
2002-07-29 - Links
2002-07-29 - Instant Messenger
2002-07-26 - my weeky week
2002-07-19 - from the edge of death
2002-07-15 - Kill Mother Fucking Damn Mike's!!
2002-07-11 - by the pricking of my thumbs...
2002-07-10 - Of course I'm always pissed off
2002-07-08 - the beginning or the end?
2002-07-06 - Natural Ice Light kinda night
2002-07-05 - feeling so, so alone...
2002-07-03 - ...help
2002-07-02 - Agony
2002-06-25 - If you want something done right...
2002-06-24 - where you're at
2002-06-23 - Doh!
2002-06-23 - mic test. 1...2...
2002-06-23 - stupid, blah, give me another fucking beer...
2002-06-09 - cleansing rain
2002-06-04 - Starman
2002-06-02 - Booze and boobies
2002-05-01 - Busy, busy, busy...
2002-03-21 - sneakin'
2002-03-06 - chem-trails and house hunting
2001-12-14 - Rainy Birthday
2001-11-06 - a call from the grave
2001-10-17 - Working it out
2001-10-09 - Greetings from LA

The Latest
The Beginning: Nov/Dec 2000
Jan/Feb 2001
Mar/Apr 2001
May/June 2001
July/Aug/Sept 2001
Archive List

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