2001, August 3. Beer Books and Paychecks
I have the day off. Fat lot of good it's done me. I spent about two hours tryingf to deal with cashing my paycheck and making sure my rent check won't bounce. All on under 4 hours of sleep... It was supposed to take 45 minutes TOPS, then back to sleep. But the idiot patrol was on the move today.

My paycheck was unusually high. I seem to have either gotten a raise or there was a mistake. I make $10/hour - my check was for 20. What do I do? I'm really in need of some advise. Do I wait until next week to say something, after seeing if it happened twice? Will they make me give it back? (Which would really suck - I paid off some really late bills, and I still have three more to pay).

So I got a case of beer (Rolling Rock cans - 18 for $10!) and was hoping for a nice evening of spending time with Alyx. But he ate the Mac and Cheese I made and went to sleep pretty much. So here I am. Kinda deflated and let down. I mean granted he worked a long day today, but I was really looking forward to seeing him awake for a change. So here I am. Lonely.

I'm onto reading Picture of Dorian Gray now. In the past three weeks I've read:

The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test by Tom Wolfe

Barrel Fever by David Sedaris

The Hellfire Club by someone I can't remember

The Mists of Avalon by Marion Zimmer Bradley

The Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger

I really liked them all for different reasons. But I won't go into a book report on each one. I will say that I've been hounded to read Mists for almost 10 years by so many people, and it's about 900 pages long and when I was in school I couldn't even manage to read my textbooks, let alone something for pleasure, so I didn't even start, knowing I'd not finish it. So now I did. And really, all it was was waiting for the right time in my life. I read it in a week and kind of mourned it when I finished. Everyone should read this book *especially* woman and *epecially* pagans. Breathtaking. Now, my mother has read it 3 times and she saw the mini series and didn't think it was so great. She did tape it for me, so once I'm in LA I'll watch it (no tv at the moment), but I can't see how it will translate to film without losing so much valuable subtextual information. In a book where there is so much mind reading and hidden alterior motives. I don't know how they can get the impact of it. But the cast is great, so I have to see it none-the-less.

So I'm going to go back to Dorian Gray, and to drink enough white trash beer to make myself pass out...

| the distance i've gone | where it stands | make a claim | just me | i recommend | typealice | host | || | take me back | get me out of here |