2002-06-09. cleansing rain
So much is happening. Yet nothing at all. It's all bubbling under the surface, like a thick grey thunderhead about to roll in...

I do miss thunderstorms. Got a couple good ones while I was back, but no time to just sit on the porch and live in it for an hour or so. That's all I wanted. Was to smell and feel the rain. Hear the thunder. I remember lying in my bed in St. Thomas covered with my mosquito netting, awaking to the brief and tumultuous punding of rain. It always makes me feel good. Rain.

I really do want to be in Seattle someday. I love the overcast... But for sunny weather. LA has it pretty fuckin sweet. This morning it felt crisp, almost like a Florida winter morning, but it was 10:30 and completely sunny. But really a beuatiful day. They've got that down here.

Someday I'll have that vacation home in the woods with a hammock out on the big porch where I can sit with my puppy in my lap and just enjoy the thunderstorm.

Right now it's becoming about what I want...

| the distance i've gone | where it stands | make a claim | just me | i recommend | typealice | host | || | take me back | get me out of here |