2002-07-29. Instant Messenger

Adrian: i got teased for bowling with you

Mandi: why? do I smell?

Adrian: no, because you are new. and it was automatically assumed that I was picking up on the 'fresh meat'

Mandi: ahhh... I see...

Mandi: are you??? hmmm??

Adrian: oh yeah

Adrian: i always love to pick up girls who have boyfriends

Adrian: (or get in the way of their problems)

Adrian: oh yeah baby

Adrian: i love it

Mandi: of course!

Adrian: bring on the drama

Mandi: who doesn't?

Mandi: I do have a stalker friend that is doing that, though...

Adrian: well there will always be at least one

Mandi: And he's schizo... really

Adrian: im schizo too

Adrian: i slept on your porch last night

Mandi: ahhhh!!!

Adrian: did u find the present i left you

Adrian: i killed a squirrel

Mandi: why didn't you come in?

Adrian: and left you his eyes

Adrian: why didnt i?

Adrian: I DID come in

Adrian: I watched you having sex

Mandi: *hides under desk* I thought they were juju beads!

Adrian: and I masterbated on your roommate

Adrian: thats why he got mad

Mandi: It was you making noise!

Adrian: hee hee

Adrian: *smack smack smack*

Mandi: *uh uh uh*

Adrian: SAY MY NAME!

Adrian: ;-)

Mandi: I had on top of Spaghetti stuck in my head earlier.

Adrian: lol

Mandi: Woah! What's that mean?

Mandi: ;-)

Adrian: rofl

Adrian: =-O

Mandi: That's right, open that mouth nice and wide

Adrian: :-X

Adrian: you were gonna put that thing in my mouth?!

Adrian: *stares at your massive member*

Mandi: Take it all!!

Adrian: unnnghhghgh

Mandi: oh yeah!

Mandi: >:o

Adrian: =-O

Adrian: you arent even gonna give me a reach around?

Mandi: nah, I'm goin to sleep

Mandi: *wakes up and attacks Adrian!!*

Adrian: :-(

Adrian: ACK!!


Mandi: *licks it up*

Adrian: *bleed bleed bleed*

Adrian: roflmao

Adrian: eewwwwwwwww

Mandi: he he he

Adrian: ok, hats off, you have outdone me

Adrian: *hands you crown*

Mandi: *curtsies*

Mandi: thank you...

Mandi: I can't wait to go home and take a shower...

Mandi: I'm filthy...

Adrian: mmm dirty girl

Mandi: salty...

Adrian: *lix*

Adrian: :-P

Mandi: Well darling, time to go The Scurvy Biker Transit has arrived... So have fun at work...

Adrian: ok

Adrian: ttyl

Adrian: *hugs*

Mandi: *hugs*

Mandi: watch that bleeding anus

Adrian: =-O

Adrian: lol

Adrian: i thought that was your job

| the distance i've gone | where it stands | make a claim | just me | i recommend | typealice | host | || | take me back | get me out of here |