2000-12-06. New Loft!!!
HOORAY FOR THOSE WITH THEIR OWN APARTMENTS!! We rock! It's gonna be a long way before we have it all up to the way we want it. But it feels good. Too good. We never want to leave the house. That's a problem. But one that'll be remedied through time and actually being in the loft. The newness is exciting. Having OUR STUFF is exciting! Having creative freedom is exciting! Ahhh... Wish we had new jobs, but hey, what are ya gonna do?

Saw Jodi's sonograms. wow. She's actually smiling for the camera! It's beyond cute. I'm glad I'll be there around when it's born. I just wish I could be babysitter and 'the bad auntie', although I'm sure that Xoe will really only have 'bad aunties'. Lucky kid.

Alyx and I went to a "Xmas Rave" at a friends house. We rolled. It was great stuff, I just realized I don't like rolling in public (it was a pretty big party) around a bunch of strangers. I like that one on one. I can't maul Alyx with people coming in and out of the room. Maybe dancing at a club. But no more random parties. And I got sick. And was major hung over the following day. Yuck. But it was good stuff, and Alyx had a great time. It was a nice party. I wore my tie outfit (Anti-Babe original!) and BOY was it a hit... Everyone was asking about it. I wish Jodi would move up here. People would really dig her stuff. So much more than Orlando. This was a rave PARTY. "get dressed crazy!" We're talking Fun-Fur chaps with only a thong underneath! People would buy it. Sigh. I also just miss her.

Did I mention how great Alyx looks first thing in the morning? He always looks so wonderful and sweet, and he opens his eyes and I can see that he's glad to see me. :) I wake up and am smeared and have troll hair and yucky looking skin. I miss my shaved head. Wake up and go...

Well someday I'll have a personal stylist and I won't even have to worry about it...

| the distance i've gone | where it stands | make a claim | just me | i recommend | typealice | host | || | take me back | get me out of here |