2000-12-18. My crazed weekend
Well. My weekend was strange and eventful. But not too much so. Alyx and I had excellent Thai food for my birthday. Yes it got better. I think the sample sale at work helped. $25 for two super full giant bags of clothes. They all have little cuts in them, but I'll fix them. Whatever. So we went and ate yummy food and crashed out in bed, stuffed. I awoke with the most nasty Sake hangover ever. Was a bit late to work (again - I hear you Andy...). It's becoming an epidemic...

Then Friday night we... Shit. I don't remember. Let's see. I bought another bag of clothes for my sister and my mom ($4!!) - it was the last effort to get rid of the stuff. I hope they fit them. Then we... Oh, we ate and I cleaned up, Alyx took a long bath and read me some Henry Miller... I discovered that "ours is the only floor without mice" is a lie... Cuz we have one... And we had some yummy monkey time and went to bed.

I actually woke up and felt rested. I got to ride the subway with Alyx to work,

*which I always love*

Then we had two Christmas parties to make appearences at right after work. They were nice. (I'll go into the weird party details later...) But Alyx (sick and feeling lonely and alienated) was not having a good time. So he got really cranky. Then once we said goodbye to Mike at the subway, I got really cranky. It was past my bedtime and I'd drank just enough to make me want to sleep, but not to be enjoying my drunken high.

I was walking kind of quickly, a step or two ahead (we got a bit lost dealing with the 'late night' subway changes...) and not being my usual hand holding, gooey self. I think he figured out that I was irritated. I just didn't feel like 'driving' like I usually do, epecially on our way home late at night. I usually navagate and he naps. (I did screw up last weekend and fell asleep, too. We ended up in Bed-Stuy... Yikes! TAXI!) Well, I wasn't in the mood. And he didn't really fight it. Once we were on the right train, at the right stop, he just took my hand and I felt him understand. Then he let me pass out in him lap on the way. Woke me up at our stop.

love him

Sunday was rough. It was my last day at Jerry's and the computers went nuts. Freezing, losing checks, bringing up old checks. I was frantic. And I smashed my finger in ANOTHER door there.

**I smashed one in the bathroom door on the way out Saturday. It was throbbing for about two hours. Well, until I drank some wine. Mangled bloody mess...

Not as bad this time but hurting like crazy, too.

And leaving was hard. I'll really miss those kids. I enjoyed working there. I just want to be with my beau. Which brings me to Mandi blunder #86.

But I have to pee (what else is new). So I'll discuss that in a minute...

| the distance i've gone | where it stands | make a claim | just me | i recommend | typealice | host | || | take me back | get me out of here |