2000-12-18. The Big Scare and our new tree
Well as I set out to type about this incident that awoke me at midnight last night, my phone rang and I was told that I am the only one who knows and it's going to stay on the DL for a while. Let's just say that when it's midnight and the phone rings and they're speaking in a cockney dialect repeating the facts of the story over and over I have cause to be concerned. When there's a message for me at work this morning saying that said individual is on the way to work and doesn't really remember calling, but remembers a cockney accent vaguely...

It was a rough night for some...

I, however, met my boyfriend on the street corner on the way home, cart in tow and set out to purchase a tree. It was real f*%$ing cold so I told the man "$25 - Whaddaya got?" He of course shows me one for 30 and I say "Um, no. I only have 25. Really" So we get a kind of lumpy tree. But it's cute. Wind whipping on the way home. Alyx underdressed. He'd been inside all day. He was not prepared for it. Snow flurries I tell you.

On the way home we see a xmas tree stand on the side of the road.


We realize we forgot the stand.

So we pick it up. It's in bad shape. But it'll get us through for now.

We have no lights. I have like two cool ornaments. The rest are really lame (Gifts from people...) I even found one cheesy little dummer boy one that says "Paul" on it. Yikes.

I don't think Alyx thought it was as funny as I did...

We have no lights either...

But I do have a kick ass star... (of COURSE! Who do you think I am?? Of course I have a killer star...Duh)

So I'm hoping it's ornament shopping tonight. I hoping his dickhead boss doesn't keep him late. I'm hoping that I can get through the whole day without really working.

The forcast looks good for the last one, kids...

| the distance i've gone | where it stands | make a claim | just me | i recommend | typealice | host | || | take me back | get me out of here |