2000-12-28. burrs in my panty hose

Is it wierd to find hitchiker burrs in the crotch of your panty hose?

Were they on my underwear or my tights?


Ponder this. Get back to me.


We've had free coffee and tea all day today, yesterday, and the rest of the week due to low cafeteria staff and fewer menu options during the holiday week. Merry HoHoHo. It makes me sooo happy. Current flavor: Mint Medley (with milk and honey, of course)

I'm thinking about budgeting for a computer. Maybe two. Hahahaha. No really. I think we can do it. Dell's offering $100 off right now, no payments for 90 days. I think we could pay it off in 90 days. We don't even need the 90 day hold off. cool.

We get our new sassy bookshelf today. *grins* That's what I'll be working on tonight. We are going dancing Saturday night. Yea! We're going a bit cookoo. I'm very excited. I wish I had some good pills. The drug situation in this town is strange. Weed, coke, K and the sort are popular. X here is so-so, and I haven't had the opportunity to get any Acid *frowny face* which is my favorite. I should call Rick about some pills. Maybe he would know about finding some.

Ahhhh! I love drugs, booze and sex.

Mom, if you ever see this: Uh, I like girls, too...

| the distance i've gone | where it stands | make a claim | just me | i recommend | typealice | host | || | take me back | get me out of here |