2001-03-16. I thought about what it would be like to plummet off the roof last night
Yesterday our horoscope said (Alyx & I are the same sign) something about Shit Getting Worse - but don't worry, you'll get through it... I thought that was funny... Till I got home...


To make a long story short (and this is just the major shit - there's other minor shit I've edited for content):

2 mysterious $20 calls to the same number, which we don't recognize, one of which is 1 minute and the other 4 - 2 minutes apart, totaling $40. My long distance was only $3 and my bill was $110 - $160 including a check of mine they never got from 2 months ago...

$160 cell phone bill for Alyx...

They wouldn't take my mom's Express card cause the first names are not the same, so instead of putting the pantyhose & underwear I really really need BACK, I put it guiltily on my bankcard (before I saw the aforementioned bills, of course...).

My big box of clothes being sent from the girl who did wardrobe on the movie is in an undetermined location, so I am really having trouble dressing for work...

AND...*drum roll* I get home to find out that the money we gave Steve with a quickness for the gas didn't matter: "they wouldn't take his personal check" so they came and got our box for the whole floor.

No hot water = no showers, dishes, good face washing

No heat = cold

No stove = microwaved food only

But he let us borrow a heater... Gee, thanks.

He also seems to have a new several hundred dollar folding ladder, he also didn't go the day we gave him the "I need the check in an hour" check. He went the next day. Now there's a $1000 reconnect fee... Which I will not under any circumstance help pay. I'll fucking boil water and eat Lean Cuisine's, I don't fucking care about his stupid shit.

Would anyone like to give us some assistance getting out of this fucking town before we die here???

Oh...and I heard they are going to get rid of the G train, which is the closest one to us. It would mean bus taking to the closest other line...

Fuck my life.

| the distance i've gone | where it stands | make a claim | just me | i recommend | typealice | host | || | take me back | get me out of here |