2003-02-03. Space Station Tragedy
For over six months now, Major Hammy Hammy Hamsterpants III had been rigorously preparing for her important mission to space. She had been struggling in cramped confines, running in a wheel (that is too small) to build her stamina and patience, furiously trying to climb the cage like a ladder for arm strength, stashing the dog food pellets, pieces of tortilla chips and black olives she loves so much for later rations. Even chewing through her little thatch pagoda for more room to create a nest and participating in the highly entertaining Hamster Dance when she would come out for recreation. Hammy did fairly well on her missions in her little purple explorer ball, dodging canine predators as well as she could for a Dwarf Hamster on carpet. She even took the introduction of the newest species of danger, the Great White Burmese cat, Allister, extremely well considering how he would sometimes bat and disrupt her training camp after the humans had gone to sleep.

So after all this time Ground Control Operative Admiral Moss decided that it was time that Hammy got her highly desired Space Station. Admiral�s Moss and Perry had been awaiting the right time to bestow Hammy with such a high honor and Moss felt that her budget was sufficient to provide Hammy with the brass ring she so deserved for bringing so much joy to their lives. So Moss and Perry went to PetCo Point to procure the Space Station and enlisted Officer Alyx Douglas and Private Julian DiMarco for much needed back up. Officer Douglas contributed to the effort by purchasing a supplemental tube kit Utility Pack to extend out to the Space Outpost Admiral Moss purchased. They also provided Hammy with a new H20 Life Supporter and a Waste Compartment.

They arrived back to Ground Control and realized that there was a problem with the hatch � it had been broken! Instead of foolishly trying to refurbish it, the Admirals launched back to the PetCo Base of operations blaring Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders From Mars for interplanetary travel support the whole way there to perform the exchange.

When they arrived back to Ground Control after a smooth exchange mission they began immediate group assembly � which was not an easy task. There were many pieces and decals provided. But at last it was complete and it was a beauty! Everyone gathered around to gaze upon the exciting new addition to the empire. Clear blue glittery panels decorated with various planetary scenes and meteors sailing by! A large wheel with glow in the dark parts, plenty of room to run! They sprinkled the interior loft with dog food pellets to entice Hammy up the ramp to the H20 Life Supporter. She explored the tube to the outpost where bedding and cotton were provided. Hammy ran around and around, furiously digging and burrowing, rolling in the litter of the Waste Compartment. She was so proud to man this mission!

Now, we had Private DiMarco stress test the Outpost connectors for feline batting and playfulness and it seemed to hold up well. So, worries were quelled and the day went on without incident, Hammy proudly and bravely living the dream.

The evening gave way into night and Ground Control bedded down for some much needed rest. In the AM Officer Douglas awoke and gave his morning check and report to Admiral Moss. There had been an accident in the night! One of the Lock Connector�s had broken apart and Major Hamsterpants was lost and in direct peril! A search and rescue was immediately dispatched, arousing the extremely foggy and hung over Private DiMarco from his station on the couch to assist the search. Admiral Perry was not alerted due the possibility of her date from the previous evening being in her bedroom. Couches were overturned, bait was set (dog food of course) the feline was quarantined to Admiral Moss�s room and towels were put in front of all doors to prevent inner room exploration. They didn�t know what more to do; Admiral Moss was already late for work

There was no evidence of a feline rodent struggle, so the crew feels somewhat optimistic but nonetheless a little unnerved and very concerned. Major Hamsterpants is a well-loved and important member of Ground Control. Major PJ�s departure two days prior had affected everyone deeply already, but this is a tragedy that is striking the Base with a deep, deep force. The search will continue as long as is needed and we will get to the root of the problem. We are leaning on Major Delilah to use her canine rodent sniffing senses to find her out. She�s our shining hope right now. So please, those of you out there listening, please keep us in your thoughts and hopefully the Good Lord will show us the way to our beloved Hammy.

| the distance i've gone | where it stands | make a claim | just me | i recommend | typealice | host | || | take me back | get me out of here |