2003-07-03. Naked Theatre
I am actually trying to use my notify list again. So If anyone wants to actually be notified when I update, sign up suckachump! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I am naked in my play. We haven't gotten to rehearsals where we are actually naked yet, but that's only a matter of days. I guess I'm nervous, but I think only because I knew so far in advance. Is that weird? Heh...

I am kind of excited that my new tattoo will be so prominently seen, though. Now I'm just bummed out that I haven't gotten my nipples pierced yet. That would totally kick ass. But I don't have the hundred bucks to go do it. *le sigh* I figure, if I'm going to be naked, at least I can be adorned ;)

| the distance i've gone | where it stands | make a claim | just me | i recommend | typealice | host | || | take me back | get me out of here |